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Return Policy

Learn about our service return policy.

Professional Services

Professional fees (examination, refraction, contact lens fitting/evaluation, or any services performed by the doctor) are non-refundable.


Select frames have a limited, one-year manufacturer’s defect warranty. ANY ALTERATIONS OR GLUING OF FRAMES WILL VOID THE WARRANTY.

All eyewear is custom-made and ineligible for refunds or returns. We will work with you on any issues you may have with your service or eyewear.

**VSP, Davis, & Eyemed Patients: Your eyewear is fabricated by your insurance company. Frame changes due to a patient’s dissatisfaction with the style, shape, size, or fit are not covered by your insurance company. If a new frame is selected, the patient will be responsible for the cost of both the frame and the lenses.


All lenses are custom-made. Therefore, any cancellation within 7 days of the order date will be refunded up to 50% of the purchase price due to the costs already incurred by the laboratory. If progressive lenses have been ordered and you cannot adapt to them, we will have them remade to single vision, bifocal, or trifocal lenses at no additional costs. However, you will not get a refund due to the expenses incurred by the laboratory.

Within 30 days, if you are not satisfied with your prescription or lenses, please call our office and speak with an optician to help you with this matter.

Contact Lenses

Unopened, undamaged, unmarked, and unexpired contact lens boxes may be exchanged for full credit towards the purchase of contact lenses within 6 months of the purchase date.

We want you to be completely happy with your eyewear purchase! We will do everything we can to make sure your glasses are made correctly.

We offer unlimited cleanings and adjustments for any glasses purchased in our office at no extra charge.